A 7-day long camp was organized for 50 children from socially excluded families. The camp was held in Ignalina on July 17-24, 2018. It is the first camp among 10 others that are planned to be organised in both Lithuania and Latvia as a part of the project „Ignalina...
2018 m. gegužės 28 d. Ignalinoje įvyko Interreg Latvijos-Lietuvos bendradarbiavimo per sieną programos 2014-2020 projekto “Ignalina ir Daugpilis prieš skurdą ir socialinę atskirtį” (projekto akronimas: „Igda vs poverty”, projekto nr. LLI-322) partnerių susitikimas....
On 28th of May, 2018 there was the kick-off meeting of the project „Ignalina and Daugavpils against poverty and social exclusion“, No LLI-322, where both partners met. Project partners discussed about main tasks in project, project work plan and future cooperation...
2018 m. balandžio 1 d. pradedamas įgyvendinti bendras Ignalinos Švč. M. Marijos Gimimo parapijos ir Daugpilio Jėzaus Širdies parapijos projektas „Ignalina ir Daugpilis prieš skurdą ir socialinę atskirtį“ Nr. LLI-322. Numatoma šio projekto trukmė – 24 mėnesiai....
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary parish in Ignalina has the unused space of 158 square meters , where youth day center is aimed at equipping. The aim for this youth center is to provide opportunities for youth from social exclusion for self-expression, cooperation...